These shrimp pop in the aquarium with their vibrant color and large size. They filter feed using their large fans to capture anything in the water column. For the best personality, best kept in groups. Perfect for the high-flow planted aquarium.
Scientific Name: Atya Gabonensis
Origin: Taiwan
Size Purchased: 0.5 inches
Adult Size: 5 - 6 inches
Temperament: peaceful
Wild/Tank-Raised: Wild Caught
Temperature: 64-78 degrees
pH: 6.8-7.5
gH: 6 - 20
kH: 2 -15
TDS: 150 - 300
Hardness: 100-200 ppm
Diet: flakes, pellets, live and frozen foods (free floating small foods)
Recommended Tank Size: 20 gallons, 40 gallons for a colony