One of my personal favorites, Siamese Algae Eaters (S.A.E. for short) are very social, active fish that add life to the community aquarium. Best kept in groups or else they may harass other fish out of boredom. These fish eat any nuisance hair algae, even the hard to get rid of Black Beard algae. Perfect for planted aquariums.
Scientific Name: Crossocheilus oblongus
Origin: Southeast Asia
Size Purchased: 2" - 3"
Adult Size: 6"
Type: Cyprinidae / Freshwater
Temperament: Peaceful
Wild/Tank-Raised: Wild
Temperature: 72F - 79F
pH: 6.5 - 7.5
Hardness: Moderate
Diet: Omnivorous (mostly carnivorous)
Recommended Tank Size: 50+ gallons