The Blue Phantom Plecostomus is a blue/green bottom dweller and popular among collector aquarist. Can be territorial with other bottom dwellers, especially those of its own kind. Provide plenty of vegetable matter for them to eat such as raw or balanced vegetables, spirulina algae tablets, and occasional meaty treats. Provide plenty of caves and driftwood for the Phantom to hide in.
Scientific Name: Hemiancistrus sp.
Origin: South America
Size Purchased: 4-5”
Adult Size: 7"
Type: Catfish / Freshwater
Temperament: Peaceful / Territorial
Wild/Tank-Raised: Wild
Temperature: 78F - 82F
pH: 6.5 - 7.5
Hardness: Moderate
Diet: Omnivorous (mostly carnivorous)
Recommended Tank Size: 55+ gallon