Black Neon Tetra (Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi)

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Black Neon Tetras are a small, community fish perfect for the peaceful, planted aquarium.  Their behavior is best exhibited when they are in a large shoal of the same species. They will school with other neon tetra species such as Green Neon, Orange Neon, Neon, and Cardinal Tetra. 

Scientific Name: Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi

Origin:  South America

Purchase Size: Approx. 1"

Adult Size: 1" - 1.5"

Type: Charachin

Temperament: peaceful

Wild/Tank-Raised: tank-raised 

Temperature: 68° - 82° F

pH: 5.5 - 7.0


Diet:  flakes & live and frozen foods

Recommended Tank Size: 10+ gallons